PTEP: Results


It has now been eight years since the start of the Public Tenant Employment Program, and I am immensely proud of our team, as well as our community and government partners. Together, in that time we have employed 53 public tenants, 28 of whom are still employed with our company today. What’s more, the success of PTEP is estimated to have saved Victorian taxpayers approximately $900,000 a year.

Direct benefits to Estate employees

This framework has enabled lasting changes to be made to the lives of public tenants, including increased self esteem and confidence, a sense of direction and purpose, and the sustainable work experience and training required for their career development and any future employment prospects.

More specifically, alongside the immediate benefit of providing some of the most disadvantaged people in our society with viable employment, PTEP has brought a number of longer-term benefits to the Estate employees, including:

  • financial autonomy

  • the training and accreditation needed to build a sustainable career path

  • breaking the cycle of unemployment

  • confidence to help them overcome other issues, such as substance abuse

  • the opportunity to support their families and become role models for future generations

  • a sense of belonging in the community

Benefits to public housing tenants

Since we started this pilot in 2003, there has been an increase in employment levels on the Estates (well beyond the PTEP requirements), reduced drug traffic and use, a reduction in crime, improved maintenance of the Estates and, most importantly, a sense of worth and wellbeing in residents who engaged with the program.

A survey of public housing tenants found that they believed the Estate employees to be both committed and reliable, with a 30 percent increase in satisfaction across all buildings at three separate estates.

We believe that tenant satisfaction is also demonstrated in today’s vacancy rates. Prior to the PTEP initiative, there was a 40 percent vacancy rate. Since this project began, occupancy is now at 100 percent with a waiting-list for units.

Beyond the Pilot

For the Office of Housing, the outstanding achievements of this pilot program has led to the continued rollout of PTEP across Victoria, with more than 675 Estate employees now enjoying a new and improved quality of life.